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Must Have Info !!
Including Duty Free Allowances
If you haven't been to Benidorm, here's a guide on what to expect of your holiday to Benidorm.
Benidorm - Everything you need, to plan and book your perfect holiday
The unit of currency in Spain is now the Euro like the rest of Europe. Banks will change money and travelers
cheques. You may also change at authorized exchange offices, at a similar rate. Always check the exchange rate and minimum
charge before exchanging any money or traveller cheque. Banks are open at the following times: Summer: 08.30 –
13.30 Monday to Friday Winter: 08.30 – 14.00 Monday to Friday and 08.30 – 13.30 Saturday Credit-Cards
Most establishments accept credit cards. Commonly accepted cards are Visa, American Express,
Diners Club and Master Card. Several banks in the town have cash machines (ATM) by which some charge card holders with "PIN"
numbers may draw out cash in local currency and instructions will normally be available in English. Check with your bank what
amount you can draw out per day, week or month.
Insurance & Health
There are no compulsory inoculation or vaccination requirements. If in the event of your stay you need medical care,
there are private clinics in Benidorm. It is a good idea to take out a medical insurance before you travel if your country
of origin does not have reciprocal health service agreement with Spain. Most travel packages include some form of medical
insurance, check with your travel agent.
For over the counter prescriptions there are plenty of pharmacies (Farmacia) – Easily recognizable by the green
cross displayed outside. All types of medication can be bought over the counter including a wide range of antibiotics. A duty
chemist is open 24 hours a day, they do change daily, addresses are on display of the doors of all the chemists. Hotel reception
should be able to advise you of the nearest duty chemist. Pets
To bring pets into Spain, visitors must present at customs certificates of origin and good
health in keeping with international norms on such matters, and signed by officially recognized veterinaries in the respective
country of origin. The date and nature of the vaccines administered to the animal, especially anti-rabies vaccine, must appear
on the certificate. Some hotels permit dogs and cats under specific conditions - please consult the hotel or travel agency
before bringing your pet. The entrance of dogs and cats in restaurants is usually prohibited, as is the case with many
business establishments. Language
Spanish is the official language, however most people have a good understanding of English. The local dialect
is "Valenciano".
Visas & Passports
To enter Spain it is necessary to show a valid passport or another document adhering to international
conventions and reciprocity criteria that verifies the identity of the traveler. For citizens of Andorra, Austria, Liechtenstein,
Monaco, Switzerland and of those countries, belonging to the European Economic Community, the presentation of a national identification
document is sufficient. For nationals of certain countries, and in function of the duration of the visit, a visa is required.
In case of doubt, consultation at any Spanish Consulate is advisable. Travelers arriving by car must have the so-called
"Green Letter" that covers insurance costs in case of accident, except for citizens of Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Austria
or any EEC nation.
Voltage is 220 volts, however if you bring your own electrical appliances you may need an electrical adaptor that
you can find in most hardware shops.
Television & Internet
All spanish national broadcasting television stations can be seen, and most of the European televisions
can be seen with satellite antennas: BBC, RTL4, Eurosport, CNN, etc. You can keep up to date with your home news. A number
of places will have Satellite stations available in the rooms now. Many internet cafés can be found in the center of Benidorm,
where you can check and send emails or even chat online.
One of the main reasons for Benidorm's success as a tourist resort and holiday center lies in its ability to
offer wide and varied entertainment to all; children, young people and not so young. The sound of live music fills the atmosphere,
with the concerts, and live performances of the most popular artists, or with the continuous succession of festivities, illuminating
the nights of the "fallas" or "hogueras" with the colors of the fireworks displays.
Traditional Food
Spain has a rich regional diversity which shows up culinary in a wide range of dishes. Influenced
historically by the Romans with a passion for olive oil, figs, grapes, wine and fish. By the Moors with rice, and spices -
like saffron - , the use of fruits and almonds with savory dishes, and honeyed sweets and pastries. Not to forget the influence
of the discovery of the Americas that brought tomatoes, potatoes, avocados, corn or chocolate. All these factors have helped
create what is internationally known as the Mediterranean style of eating. You will find in Benidorm restaurants that cater
for most of the Spanish regional dishes.
Home Cooked Food
The influx of foreigners comes to live on Benidorm's sunny coastline and has also influenced the cooking. The
wide selection of restaurants offer from the international menu through to traditional English, Dutch, Italian, Indian or
Chinese cuisine.
Markets and Supermarkets catering to new demands, import everything from Norwegian smoked
salmon to Chinese vegetables, Indian chutney or English Christmas puddings.For cheap cigarettes visit the Tobacco Shops, which
are nearly on every corner of Benidorm.
Another reason for Benidorm's success as a tourist resort and holiday center are the well known Benidorm Fiestas.
Commemoration of the finding of the Virgin of the Suffrage. 16th March Las Fallas. The Valecian fiesta par excellence
is held here during San Jose, from 16th March to 19th March. There are three “Falla” commissions: Center Falla,
Rincón Falla and Els Tolls Falla which are in charge of planting their figures in the respective districts. Processions, offerings
and street entertainment culminate in the “Crema” or bonfire on the 19th of March.
Romeria del Corpus. The traditional Andalucian fiesta with horse processions and a colorful fair next to the bullring.
The Bonfires of St. John. Satirical wood and paper mache figures are displayed for several days and the burnt on the “nit
del foc” of 24th June in the La Cala, Central Market and Old town areas.
San Fermín. 6th and 7th July. St. Christopher. First weekend in July. Fiestas of the Carmen. 16 July. St. James.
25th July. Benidorm’s patron saint.
Fiesta of Asturias. A fiesta organized by those from this region on the 6th and 7th of September. Harvest Festival.
Throughout the month. Moors and Christians. During the last weekend of September. Watch the entries of the two armies, the
processions, the ambassadors and the disembarkation for the most representative aspects of this fiesta which is deep rooted
in the whole of the Valencin region.
The Fiestas of the Town. They always run from the second Saturday to the following Wednesday (so make a note) and
are a wild week of floats, flowers, peñas, parties, music and general mayhem culminating in a huge procession followed by
one of the most spectacular annual fireworks displays anywhere in the world.
The Christmas program starts on the 20th and continues through to the 6th of January. On New Years Eve, the main
celebrations culminate in a mass gathering under the clock in the Triangle Square for champagne drinking, kissing, cheering