Hello & welcome to my web site!
I set up this site as information pages, mainly for people like myself
who have visited or are intending to visit Benidorm. As you can see I'm no web designer!!
I first visited Benidorm in the very early 70s as an 18 year old chick
!!! Oh, where have all the years gone.......I loved the place right from day one!!
Over the past 38 years or so, I have visited Benidorm as often as I could
manage a holiday.....so adding up all the times I would say about 45 plus.
Times have changed...people have changed also, but I still manage a visit
at least once......sometimes twice or three times a year.
People from my town have come to me for advice about the place, weather,entertainment,
eating places, prices, accomodation,Duty Free......and all sorts of other queeries.
Consequently I intend to put the next few pages together with all that
information.....I do hope it helps you....but if you have any other questions, dont hesitate to mail me.
Thankyou, hope you enjoy!!! Lynn